Thursday, August 21, 2008

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Golf Swing Technique - Tips To Improve Your Golf Swing Technique

By Staffan Moritz

We all have different golf swing technique, but there are a few basic fundamentals that you can learn that will help improve your general golf swing technique. First, learning about ball position, stance, and grip can improve your golf swing technique, enabling you to shave strokes off your game.

An easy way to improve your golf swing technique is to engage in some golf swing exercises. Strength and Flexibility are key to having a good golf swing, and there are some exercises designed just for golfers that will improve these areas of your golf game. Look online for web sites or books and magazines for easy and simple golf swing exercises.

Another option for working on your golf swing technique is to check out some golf swing training aids, such as impact indicators and rail swing trainers. Golf training equipment can easily be found and purchased online. Also, look at current golf magazines or golf books for the latest in golf swing techniques.

Now, take a look at these five golf swing technique tips:

1. A common golf swing technique that is violated by both beginners and experienced golfers is the failure to coordinate your entire body during the golf swing. Golf swing movement does not come just from your arms, wrists, hips, or shoulders, but you want to concentrate on one body motion that has a core in your torso.

2. Address position, or set up, is a golf swing technique that needs much attention. You will always want your feet to be spaced about shoulder's width apart, whether you are using wedges, irons, or woods and drivers.

3. A faster swing speed will give you more power and distance, but you want to keep a consistent speed throughout your entire golf swing

4. Achieving balance is an essential golf swing technique. To test your golf swing balance, try swinging with a coin placed on your outside shoe. The goal is to complete your swing without the coin falling off your foot.

5. Remember, the best way to improve your golf swing technique is to dedicate yourself to consistent practice.

About The Author

Staffan Moritz is a respected golf expert from Sweden, author and founder ofa cutting-edge golf newsletter. For more golf tips, tricks and information on the golf swing technique, get your free e-course at:
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